Inglés Nuevo

Conocimiento básicos para la expresión oral y escrito compresión de texto. Manejos de tiempo verbales. Practicas audiovisuales. Conversación, ayuda la viajante. Ingles comercial, preparación para examen de ingreso.
  • Inicio: 14 Marzo de 2025
  • Duración: 19 meses
  • Nivel: Intermedio - Avanzado
  • Asistencia: 1 clase semanal de 2 horas
Module One
    ► Greetings: Formal and informal
    ► Asking and giving personal information
    ► The alphabet
    ► The numbers
    ► Personal pronouns
    ► Verb to be
    ► Verb have got
    ► Verb can
    ► Expressing possession: possessive adjectives and pronouns, possessive case
    ► Days of the Week, Months of the Year, Seasons of the Year
    ► Ordinal Numbers
    ► Dates
    ► Countries an Nationalities
    ► Demonstrative Adjectives
    ► Simple Present vs. Present Continuous
    ► Plural on Nouns
    ► Prepositions of Time: in, on, at
    ► The time
    ► Question Words: what, where, when, which, who, whose, why, how old, how often
    ► Linkers: and, but, besides, or, then, also, too
    ► Physical description: parts of the body, adjectives, colours
    ► Articles

Module Two
    ► Expressing likes and dislikes
    ► Describing places: there is/there are
    ► Prepositions of place
    ► Comparatives and superlatives: superiority, inferiority and quality
    ► Countable and uncountable nouns
    ► Expressiing numbers and quantity
    ► Somebody, anybody, nobody..
    ► Talking about price and money
    ► Objetive pronouns
    ► Imperative
    ► Daily activities
    ► Questions: how long, how far,
    ► Asking and answerng about reason: why/because
    ► Prepositions of time: form, until, for, before
    ► The family vocabulary
    ► Health vocabulary
    ► Punctuation

Module Three
    ► Simpe Past
    ► List of irregulars verbs
    ► Habits in the past: used to, would
    ► Present perfect
    ► Present perfect vs Simple present
    ► Present perfect Continuous
    ► Asking and giving directions
    ► Prepositions of movement
    ► Expressing invitations, accepting and refusing
    ► Expressing preference
    ► Writing informal letter and e-mails
    ► Jobs vocabulary
    ► Rooms and furniture vocabulary
    ► Food vocabulary
    ► Clothes vocabulary
    ► Buying clothes

Module Four
    ► Past continuous
    ► Past continuous vs Simple past
    ► Obligation / Absence of obligation / Prohibition / Advice
    ► Reflexive pronouns-Each other-One another
    ► Adverbs of manner
    ► Suggestions
    ► Accepting and refusing suggestions
    ► Offering help
    ► Writing formal letters and mails
    ► Personality Adjectives
    ► Shapes and Materials Vocabulary
    ► Sort vocabulary
    ► Leisure activities vocabulary
    ► Transport vocabulary and prepositions
    ► Using the telephone

Module Five
    ► Present Perfect - Past Perfect - Simple Past
    ► Defining Relative clauses
    ► Agreeing and Disagreeing
    ► Questions tags
    ► Expressing purpose
    ► Too / Enough
    ► Word building
    ► Writing letters of request and application
    ► Towns and cities vocabulary

Module Six
    ► Future tense: going to, will, present continuous, simple present
    ► Expresing probability and possibility
    ► Conditionals: types 0, I, II, III
    ► If I where you
    ► Non-defining relative clauses
    ► I wish, if only, supposing, I hope, As if
    ► Uses of the articles
    ► Education vocabulary

Module Seven
    ► Pasive voice
    ► Causative use have and get
    ► Make and Do
    ► Expressing Result
    ► Expressing Reason
    ► Compound nouns
    ► -ed / -ing adjectives
    ► Orders of adjectives
    ► Writing descriptions of people an places
    ►Crimes, Justice, Law, Punishment vocabulary

Module Eight
    ► Reported Speech
    ► Past perfect continuous
    ► Gerunds after verbs and prepositions
    ► Gerunds as subject
    ► Infinitives after verbs and adjectives
    ► Expressing contrast
    ► Writing Narrations
    ► Culture Vocabulary

Module Nine
    ► Revision of modal Verbs
    ► Allowed to, Supposed to, Make Let
    ► Modals + perfect intuitive
    ► Phrasal verbs
    ► Quantifiers: both, neither, either, all, none, most
    ► Natural Disasters Vocabulary

Module Ten
    Revision if all the previous items
► Estudios primarios completos

► Edad mínima: 15 años